Group Therapy

Connection, Self-Care, & Mental Health

So many of us try to prioritize these things : lower stress, more connection, self-care time, and support. A group can check all these boxes and provide the nourishment we need. Motherhood and life in general is easier in community.

Most of us experience some hesitation when entering a group. There is never pressure to talk or share more than you feel called to. Many times the group will inspire you by others sharing. Group settings can provide a sense of connection and healing for many.

Group Therapy

Simply living as a human in our society can cause chronic stress. Then there’s unique stress of a woman, a mother, a pregnant woman, a working mother, pressures around relationships, sexuality, and well literally any label.

Maybe you frequently compare yourself to other women and chronically wonder if everyone else thinks it’s this hard. You may be unsure if you want therapy but definitely could use some support.

Group therapy provides that connection and support.

Upcoming Group Offerings

Groups are currently paused while on maternity leave until September 2024. We are always looking for ideas to support you in the type of community your looking for. Please fill out the contact form below to be placed on a waitlist for the next cycle of groups and be the first to know of new offerings.

We are so thankful you’re here

Take a moment for yourself.

Connect with us and get more information for the next cohort of groups starting

September 2024

“A person is a person through other persons; you can't be human in isolation; you are human only in relationships.”

-Archbishop Desmond Tutu